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Editor's Note: Not sure if these work but there is a really good discussion on the Spooky2 forum about it:
If anyone has feedback regarding methods, efficacy, etc... please share!
How to Reduce the Risk of Getting COVID-19 Infection Using Spooky2
(from the Spooky2 blog)
How Do I Choose a Specific Strain of Coronavirus?
Right now, if you are upgraded to the latest databases from John White's personal website, you will notice there are 28 strains of the Corona virus. You find this by searching for wuhan, then choosing Severe acute (Image 1).
Choose a "Killing Preset" and use the remote. There are options for contact mode but more complicated.
Editor's Note: Can anyone confirm this technique works?
Edit 3/24/20
Further Reading:
These are scientific papers showing effective treatments for coronavirus being used in China
Treatments for coronavirus that have worked in China
I had someone reach out to me about the Healy Resonance device, a frequency-oriented piece of hardware that communicates with your smart phone that's supposed to be able to treat various aspects and parts of your body.
Here is what they said:
I stumbled upon your website and article about biofeedback and Spooky2 generator. I'm interested to know if you're still using Spooky2 and how you're finding it?
I've been doing a lot of research on vibrational frequency and have come across a vibrational frequency device which is far more advanced than Spooky2 on many levels. There is actually nothing like it out there in the market.
The Spooky2 device uses the Rife Frequencies which are also included in this professional system. But the Rife Frequencies are only about 4,000, whereas this system uses are 144,000.
The main difference between all normal frequency devices and this device, is that the frequencies are measured and delivered in real time in your bioenergetic field, thanks to a unique and patented quantum sensor. Every 10 seconds, it analyses the frequency you need from different bandwidths, for example 0 – 1 kHz and applies them in real time, This makes is possible to have a very specific frequency application.
I see your passion and interest in this field so felt compelled to share as I this device really can change lives. Please let me know if you would like more information and I'd be happy to share a short video with you.
This was my response:
I don't think you know what you're talking about, because the Spooky "includes" a lot more than 4000 frequencies. But I'm interested...
An hour later they write back:
That was my understanding but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Here's a fantastic introductory video and a great place to start. https://youtu.be/UJVtqaZrEsc
There's a lot more information but perhaps start there and if you'd like to know more, I can then share additional information with you.
Intrigued, I did some research:
The Healy device goes up to 1MHZ:
The Spooky2 Generator X runs up to 40MHZ
In summary, I do not believe the Healy device, being battery operated, is going to have enough power to produce a clean signal at a meaningful power level. The original Spooky2 Generator (XM) has more power than the Healy. For more information about Spooky2's power output, click here and scroll down to the section titled "Frequency Range."
I had someone reach out to me for help with learning their Spooky2 software and asked me if I had ever heard of treating parasites with Turpentine.
A few days later I found some notes on Terpentine and forwarded it to them, and wanted to re-post it for everyone to review. I had this in an old note about parasites. It was actually a note about kidney stones and calcification but it mentioned that your body can encapsulate parasites:
I've always found it interesting that in America, we de-worm our puppies but not our children. I've researched a drug called Ivermectin, which is available for livestock at your local Tractor Supply. I reached out to a naturopath who discussed Ivermectin on a podcast I had seen, and asked him for clarification. Below is his response - I haven't tried this yet but I'm wondering if anyone else has and can chime in:
I found Ivermectin at my local Tractor Supply but it's only available in "pour on" (the skin) type for cattle and "injectable" for sheep, if I recall correctly. In your video you made it seem like it was something humans can take orally. Can you please clarify? Are they all the same product and just labelled differently?
Editor's Note: This is a great article but doesn't go into WHY meditation helps with alzheimers. My belief is that alzheimers (and dementia) are caused by a general level of toxicity in the body. Parasites and worms, which normally live in your gut, start to increase in population as your health declines. Once these parasites and worms start to make their way to the brain, we start using words like dementia and alzheimer's.
Mindfulness is more than good for the soul.
According to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, it can also help prevent those with mild cognitive impairment from developing Alzheimer’s.
The small pilot study explored how meditation can serve as an alternative to drugs in treating those with declining brain function. Meditation, researchers found, can help relieve chronic stress, which has been found to negatively impact the brain and increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s.
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives quietly passed a bill requiring the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD) to conduct a review into whether the Pentagon experimented with ticks and other blood-sucking insects for use as biological weapons between 1950 and 1975.
If the Inspector General finds that such experiments occurred, then, according to the bill, they must provide the House and Senate Armed Services committees with a report on the scope of the research and "whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design," potentially leading to the spread of diseases such as Lyme.
Have you ever unexpectedly found yourself with a snatch of time in which to steal a nap? You tried to settle into the chair or nook in which you found yourself, closed your eyes, and then . . . you just sat there, drowsy but awake. Despite feeling quite tired, you couldn’t fall asleep, and soon the time was up before you had gotten in so much as a wink. Talk about frustrating! Not only did you not get to nap, you didn’t do anything else either; if you weren’t going to fall asleep, you could have done something productive instead!
I've heard that if your body has a high level of metals, these EMF signals affect you more than a person with low levels of metals in their system. It's like the metals in your body absorb the EMF signals rather than letting them pass through. So if you are extremely sensitive I'd start with some chlorella & cilantro to try and detox / absorb / eliminate the heavy metals from your system. And if you have any parasites / viruses affecting your system I'd try and address those before detoxing the metals.
Great e-Book! Written in 1921, these techniques were used to determine the gender of chicken eggs before they were hatched using nothing more than a strong 'candling' light. The benefit of knowing the gender of the eggs is you can sell the male eggs as food and only hatch the females, which can then be sold as mature, egg-laying hens. It is wise to raise a few roosters for trading with other farmers to keep your flock's gene pool clean.
Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.
The study, published October 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils -- oils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plant's main fragrance, or "essence." The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing "persister" forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.
For each chakra:
(see attachment)