Lyme Disease

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2023 Virtual Lyme Conference for Medical Professionals

I've written and shared my own experience with Lyme disease before (and Spooky2 / biofeedback) and I found this really good video about COVID and the similarities w/ Lyme:

Friday, 22 May 2020 11:54

The Lyme vaccine: a cautionary tale

On December 14, 1999, a lawsuit was filed in the Chester County Court of Common Pleas, alleging that SKB manufacturer of Lymerix, the Lyme vaccine, failed to warn doctors and the public at large that about 30% of the general public could possibly be predisposed to a degenerative autoimmune arthritis that can be triggered by the vaccine. According to the complaint, the autoimmune reaction, once triggered, is unstoppable, and the victim can only be treated for symptoms thereafter.

(This is a follow-up to My Story: How I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease)

I had certainly heard of Lyme disease before I was diagnosed with it. In fact, was tested for it 5 or 10 years ago, the test came back positive, and they put me on Doxycycline. (Surprise!)

There are several guys in my town that told me they see an alternative medicine doctor around 40 minutes away. After doing lots of research, and learning the “main stream” doctors prescribe Lyme patients LOTS of antibiotics (months at a time, sometimes by IV)... and after my initial experience with 3 months of Doxycycline, I decided I wanted to stay as far away from that as possible. The 3 weeks of Doxycycline made my body hemorrhage to the point where I almost threw up.  It ruined my appetite.  And I'm one of the lucky ones.  

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in July 2017.  I’ve generally been a healthy person, or so I thought, I weighed around 180 pounds which isn’t bad for someone 6 feet tall.  I have backyard chickens so that I have fresh, high quality eggs since 2015.  I’ve been seeing a chiropractor for almost 2 years.  Finally got my disk back into place in early 2016, for reference.  So I thought I was doing great. 


I'm sharing the following story, thoughts, and follow-up in the hopes that it can help someone else going through similar symptoms.  I feel your pain, and know that there are solutions.  

Saturday, 09 July 2016 14:45

Nutritional Supplements for Lyme

Based on pdfDr. Burrascano’s guide (page 27), the following supplements may be helpful in treating (managing) Lyme disease:

  • Vitamin C
  • Probiotics (Kefir, Pharmanex Pro Bio)
  • Multi-Vitamin (Pharmanex LifePak)
  • CoQ-10 (Researched Nutritionals, take with food)
  • Alpha lipoic acid (facilitates entry of CoQ-10)
  • Vitamin B (complex)
  • Essential Fatty Acids (Krill oil, plant oil)
  • Magnesium (with potassium, MgK)
  • Vitamin D
  • Milk thistle
  • Cranberry
  • Ginkgo biloba

Please be sure to read the guide in its entirety, as Dr. Burrascano goes into many details about how and why you should be taking each of these.  Please note that while you can purchase these items from a standard grocery store, you may want to research higher-quality options. 

Further Reading: Salt/C Plus Protocol

Saturday, 09 July 2016 14:45

Physical Fitness

Yoga and meditation are possibly the most helpful techniques when dealing with Lyme.  

Saturday, 09 July 2016 14:45

Tick Removal

How to Properly Remove a Tick:

Improper removal of ticks greatly increases the risk of acquiring tick-borne infections. Squeezing the tick or putting substances on the tick to try to make it "back out" may aggravate it enough that it injects into you whatever disease organisms are inside it.

Saturday, 09 July 2016 14:45

Lyme Rash Identification

Examples of Lyme Rashes:

More Photos:

pdfThis diet (click to download PDF) is intended to "starve out" yeast (Candida), which is common with Lyme, as a yeast overgrowth is a known side-effect of taking antibiotics.  I like to call it a diet for "healthy human beings" - as it would likely help with treating a variety of illnesses.  



See Also:


  • "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

    - President Dwight Eisenhower

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