Thursday, 27 May 2021 14:40

Special Election Campaign Postmortem Report (May 2021)

Low Turnout:
Expected Win Number: 50,000
Actual win number: 28,500

Website Traffic: Hit Counts

  • March 28, 2021: Campaign Announced (0 hits)
  • April 20, 2021: 10,000 hits
  • April 29, 2021: 15,000 hits
  • May 6, 2021: 20,000 hits
  • May 12, 2021: 25,000 hits
  • May 19, 2021: 30,000 hits
  • May 31, 2021: 35,000 hits
  • June 18, 2021: 40,000 hits
  • July 7, 2021: 45,000 hits

Cost per Vote Analysis - Expected $1 per vote

Disclaimer: The following numbers were obtained from the "14 days before the election" final reports. The expenditure amounts can potentially be even higher if the campaign committees spent additional money after that 14 day cutoff. After the final reports are submitted to Harrisburg and available on the Department of State website, I will update this article.

Nathan Covington $572 (643 votes = $0.88 per vote - source)

Marlene Sebastianelli $9,841 (5,338 votes = $1.84 per vote - source)
Endorsed by Scranton Times Newspaper

Chris Chermak $25,267 (22,256 votes = $2.18 per vote - source)
Failed to attend League of Women's Voters Debate
Raised Taxes as County Comissioner
- Endorsed by Mario Scavello, mail arrived late (see photo gallery below)

Marty Flynn $613,000 (29,628 votes = $20.69 per vote - source)
Apologizes about Facebook threat to stop supporting anti-Democrat businesses
- Flynn admits errors in filing financial interest statements
- Endorsed by Joe Biden (see photo gallery below)

Last modified on Wednesday, 07 July 2021 14:01
  • "I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

    And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, and it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.”

    ~ Steve Jobs

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precision beats power