Monday, 13 April 2020 15:40

Recap: First 18 months as Township Auditor

In mid-2018, there were a series of resignations and appointments for the Auditor position in my township. First in May (link), then again in October (link).

Watching this transpire, I decided to throw my hat in the ring:  


October 16, 2018
To the Supervisors:
By way of this letter, I am hereby expressing my interest in the open auditor position.  
Thank you for your consideration.
Nathan Covington


I was first appointed October 24, 2018 by the Township Board of Supervisors



October 2018: First Amendment Violation

Township Secretary attempts to strip me of my first amendment right to free speech, citing an imaginary "code of ethics" that applies to elected / appointed officials. (!?)

first amendment violation

For the next few months, I researched. I filed a few "Right to Know" requests. I started researching the township's financial statements.


In January 2019, the auditors held their only meeting of the year.
Pam, the township secretary, later said that she "believes" I need to be sworn in and she would "get back to me" - but she never did.

not sworn in

When it came time for the meeting, Pam was in attendance, quick to inform me I was technically unable to participate because I never got sworn-in! How embarrassing! My fault, I suppose. I went to the local magistrate to be sworn-in the following morning.


February 2019, I got back on my horse.
I began writing about what I learned and shared the articles with fellow neighbors, voters, taxpayers:


March 2019, I discovered my Township Supervisors had wildly misquoted me at a public meeting 9 years prior.  


The gloves came off.

I dug directly into their financial statements and clearly demonstrated a lack of transparency when comparing with other townships' records:


I uncovered more lies:


December 2019  
The people like it! In the November election, I wasn't on the ballot, instead ran as a write-in.  I think I had around 20 total write-in votes and 14 were officially counted because some people wrote me in as supervisor, or the 4 year auditor position.  Regardless, I was elected for 6 more years:


January 2020 -
Auditor's annual meeting - this time I was sworn in and able to participate. I was also nominated as chairman of the board of auditors. I'm honored!


April 2020 -
I posted my comments publicly about the CPA audit done re: 2018.


As auditor, I am committed to transparency and disclosure, something that Barrett Township has been lacking for some time.  


Last modified on Sunday, 19 April 2020 10:28
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