Friday, 10 July 2020 12:28



Fibrositis is a painful condition that is characterized by widespread pain with multiple tight and tender spots in the muscles. These are felt as cordlike fibers of muscle in the surrounding, relaxed musculature. Symptoms include pain, fatigue, stiffness, sleep disturbances, an irritable bowel, muscle twitching, frecp.ient urination. premenstrual syndrome. headaches, anxiety, mood swings. poor concentration and memory, and balance problems, among others. The condition appears to be exacerbated by damp weather, intense activity, and stress. Sufferers are predominantly female Caucasians, and the severity (in this case, the number of tender spots on the muscles) increases with age. The Cause is largely unknown, although it is thought to be related to allergies, chemical sensitivities, and toxicity, as well as an individual's stress and anxiety.


  • Diet and nutrition
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Massage

(see attachments)


Last modified on Friday, 10 July 2020 12:35
  • “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

    – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

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