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Tuesday, 07 April 2020 16:09

Smart Meters: For the record...

For the record, in 2018, the power company sent out multiple technicians to try and replace our smart meter.  I turned them away each time.  Only until they sent me this letter THREATENING TO DISCONNECT OUR POWER did we finally agree to let them install a new meter.  


First, smart meters are a blatant violation of consumer / household privacy.

Second, the analog meters work just fine. 

Note: The "Comments" in [brackets] below are not mine.  (source)


A Report That Ozone Autohemotherapy Cures Covid-19

Dr. Robert J. Rowen

March 30 at 11:10 PM ·

Just Received. Ozone REVERSES Critically Ill COVID Patients in China, and VERY RAPIDLY

AUTHOR’S NOTE: There is no single “reason” why farmers are being forced to dump their milk and why stores are largely still limiting the amount that consumers can purchase this week. The situation is complex, and two rumors are confirmed to be untrue. First, there is no health problem or health-related plant closure, nor is there a shortage of gallon jugs, according to Department of Agriculture sources. And no, milk jugs are NOT made in China. Most milk processing plants have their own plastic blow-molds and U.S. companies produce them as well.

Now that a few rumors are out of the way…  Here is the industry narrative for plunging farm-level milk prices and reports of farms being forced to dump their milk. It goes something like this: Schools are closed, foodservice demand is stalled and exports are drying up. The first two weeks of so-called “panic buying” at supermarkets settled into a third week into the COVID-19 national emergency finding consumers continuing to ‘buy’ more milk and dairy products, but “not buying enough to overcome” the aforementioned sales losses… 

via Paul Wheaton

Here is my battle plan of the moment.

lots of rest

I seem to be sleeping the same amount I normally sleep.  But I am taking steps to make sure that it is super duper good sleep.   I nearly always go to bed at 9:30, so I am making sure I don't eat anything after 6.   Sometimes if I eat after six, something in my digestion will wake me up or keep me from getting to sleep.

I have canceled a lot of meetings.  I do feel a bit tired thoughout the day now.  I have continued with some meetings, but I might limit them to 30 or 45 minutes and tell the others to have low expectations of me.  A lot of stuff gets tabled for a week.

One thing that has made things easier is that my email river seems to be less than half of what it normally is.  So things are easier.  

Rather than working a 12+ hour day, I think I am keeping it well under 7 hours a day.  And those 7 hours are at a pretty easy pace.  Around 3 in the afternoon, fred and I will settle in for about 2 hours of "television radiation therapy."   Since nobody here has a television, we sit in my office and watch netflix like stuff.  

I find that actually talking takes a bit out - so I am trying to type more and talk less.

10 degrees warmer

I am trying to emulate a fever.  I am trying to be just on the edge of being sweaty.  I am bundled up and the house temp is now 75 to 80.  We had to run the rocket mass heater for an extra hour one day to get it this warm, but it has been very little wood to keep it this warm.

The coronavirus is sending everyone into a frenzy. Some people are going to the store and making panic purchases by the cartload. Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne seem to be doing just fine on Browsey Acres.

The Baddest Woman On The Planet uploaded a video to Instagram showing off their doomsday preppers stash. They’re good on meat, veggies, water, and fruit. It seems like they have quite a set-up going on.

Our coronavirus panic shopping list is:
It’s no secret I’ve been a proud preppier for years- but let’s all learn from this pandemic panic and be a little more self sufficient and prepared in the future. Taking steps to live sustainably takes time but ultimately saves money, permanently eliminates water and power bills, reduces our carbon footprint, and is just plain healthier. We started @browsey_acres with just a compost bin and a few boxes of @soylent, which then became just a small herb garden, then a full garden (admittedly still under construction) then a few chickens, then a few more chickens (and ducks!), then a whole steer, then a solar roof, then a water catchment system. Start small! Just start! Let’s stop panicking and start preparing! Stay safe out there and #StayRowdyMyFriends!

You can check out the video to see Ronda Rousey’s video. She might be set to board herself up at home for a while. It looks like she’s plenty prepared for anything that’s coming.


Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, exposed dark efforts by China on viruses. The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.


Below is a transcription of the Italian broadcast translated in English.

Chinese Biological Experiments

Chinese scientists have created a pulmonary supervirus from bats and mice only for study reasons but there are many questionable aspects to this. Is it worth the risk? It’s an experiment, of course, but it is worrisome. It worries many scientists: It is a group of Chinese researchers attaching a protein taken from bats to the SARS virus, Acute Pneumonia, derived from mice. The output is a super coronavirus that could affect man. It remains closed in laboratories and it is only for study purposes, but is it worth the risk – creating such a great threat only for examination purposes?

The debate about the risks of research is as old as science itself. Like the myth of Icarus, who plunged from the Sky and perished in the sea, having gone too close to the Sun with the wings of wax designed by his father!

Chinese scientists experiment on SARS virus to infect humans 300w, 768w, 696w, 721w" sizes="(max-width: 924px) 100vw, 924px" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; max-width: 100%; height: auto; transition: opacity 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.76, 0.51, 0.56) 0s; opacity: 0; margin-bottom: 0px; width: 696px; display: block;">
Chinese scientists experiment on SARS virus to infect humans. Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana

Here is an experiment in China, in which a group of scientists has managed to develop a chimera – an organism modified by attaching the surface protein of a coronavirus found in bats of the common species called the Great Horseshoe Bat, to a virus that causes SARS in mice, although in a non-fatal form. It was suspected that the protein could make the chimeric hybrid organism suitable for affecting humans, and the experiment confirmed it.

It is precisely this molecule, called SHCO14, that allows the coronavirus to attach itself to our respiratory cells and to trigger the syndrome. According to researchers, the two organisms, the original and even more so the engineered one, can infect humans directly from bats, without going through an intermediate species like the mouse, and it is this eventuality that raises many controversies.

Just one year ago (this broadcast is of 2015), the U.S. government suspended research funding, which aimed to make viruses more contagious. The moratorium did not stop the work of the Chinese on SARS, which was already in advanced stages and looked relatively harmless.

According to a section of the scientific community, it is in fact not dangerous. The probability that the virus may pass to our species was insignificant compared to the benefits of the virus – an argument that many other experts rejected. First, because the relationship between risk and benefit is difficult to evaluate and second, because especially in these times, it is more prudent to not put into circulation an organism that can escape or be removed from the control of laboratories.

As soon that this broadcast went viral on the Italian social media, journalists and experts began explaining it away saying, that the virus in the video was not COVID-19. Even the British journal Nature, which wrote the very publication this Italian show was based on, clarified that the virus the broadcast talked about was not related to the “Natural” COVID-19.

However, that is beside the point. This is not to say that the viruses are literally the same. This is to say that the information presented in the video is consistent with the information that China is doing a lot of research on bioweapons, and that the impact of the virus in the broadcast has a lot in common with mainstream information about the symptoms of COVID-19.

Moreover, Nature itself had done a piece in February, 2017, on the BSL-4 laboratory in Wuhan, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, raising valid concerns and theories, and wondering out loud whether experimentation with deadly viruses was a good idea.

“BSL-4 is the highest level of bio-containment: its criteria include filtering air and treating water and waste before they leave the laboratory, and stipulating that researchers change clothes and shower before and after using lab facilities. Such labs are often controversial….

Future plans include studying the pathogen that causes SARS, which also doesn’t require a BSL-4 lab, before moving on to Ebola and the West African Lassa virus, which do… Worries surround the Chinese lab… The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times… The plan to expand into a network heightens such concerns. One BSL-4 lab in Harbin is already awaiting accreditation; the next two are expected to be in Beijing and Kunming.”

In January, 2020, Nature then sheepishly added an editor’s note to the top of the article, saying that there is in fact “no evidence” of this lab playing a role in the outbreak of coronavirus and that scientists believe that the source is likely “an animal market.”

Meanwhile, the Italian scientists at Milan University are investigating whether the coronavirus outbreak actually began in Italy in the last quarter of 2019. Milan and Lodi cities of Lombardy administrative region reported a “significant” increase in the number of people hospitalized for pneumonia and flu in October and December of 2019. Meanwhile, amidst worldwide criticism, a $20 trillion lawsuit has been filed against China for waging Biological war using Coronavirus.



Update 4/10/20

Trump vs. Gates, Fed Gone Wild, Barr Prosecutes Coup? 


Update 4/1/20

March 2020 in Precious Metals, by Stephen Cochran



Update 3/31/20:

Will the Dollar Always Rule? Ask the Archduke


Not many main-stream news outlets are discussing this, but the COVID-19 / Coronavirus lockdown in putting the US economy in an an unprecedented position: a simultaneous shutdown of both "wall street and main street" across the country.  Since the "great recession" of 2009, I believe that the US economy has not properly recovered.  Instead, concepts like Quantitative Easing and Zero Percent Interest Rates came into play.  These policies sound great when first introduced, but they only debase the currency further and further, eroding people's hard-earned savings and purchasing power. 

The history can be traced back to 1933 when they confiscated gold from private citizens.  In 1932, Gold was equal to $20 US.  In 1933, they changed it to be worth $32.  In 1970, when Gold was worth $34 per ounce, President Nixon stopped allowing for gold to be exchanged for Dollars.  In 2009 Gold was over $1000 and today is over $1500!  

Here are some links, videos, and other resources, to help illustrate my point.  

  • "Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman."

    "The most important political office is that of the private citizen."

    - Justice Louis D. Brandeis

More Inspirational Quotes

precision beats power